(Part XVII)

Martin, John Bartlow. BREAK DOWN THE WALLS. (nf). New York: Ballantine, 1954.

Martin, John Bartlow, BUTCHER'S DOZEN (nf). New York: Harper, 1952.

Martin, John Bartlow. MY LIFE IN CRIME. (nf). New York: Harper, 1952 Martin, John Bartlow. WHY DID THEY KILL? (nf). New York: Ballantine. 1953.


Maugham, Robin. BEHIND THE MIRROR. (n; III). New York: HarcourtBrace, 1955. Reprint: as "The Jungle of Love," Avon 695. *Maupassant, Guy de. PAUL'S MISTRESS. (ss, in "Works of Guy de Maupassant,"; IV). New York: National Library, 1909. Reprint: in different translation, in Cory's "21 Variations on a Theme." Maxwell, William. THE FOLDED LEAF. (n; I). New York: Harper, 1945. Reprints: New York: Book Find Club, n. d.,, and Cleveland: World, n. d. Mayne, Wavier (pseudonym for Edward I. Prime-Stevenson, which see). IMRE: A MEMORANDUM. (¤; IV). Naples, Italy: English Book Press, 1908.

Meeker, Richard. THE BETTER ANGEL. (n; IV). New York: Greenberg, 1933. Reprint: as "Torment," in Universal No.13 and No.125. Millar, Kenneth, THE DARK TUNNEL. (n; III). New York: Dodd-Mead, 1944. Reprints: Lion 48 and, as "I Die Slowly," Lion LL52. Millar, Margaret. BEAST IN VIEW. (n; III). New York: Random-House, 1955. Reprint: Bantam 1542.

*Millay, Edna St. Vincent. A FEW FIGS FROM THISTLES. (p; I). New York: Harper, 1922.

*Millay, Edna St. Vincent. THE LAMP AND THE BELL. (p; I). New York: Harper, 1924.

*Millay, Edna St. Vincent. RENASCENCE. (p; I). New York: Kennerly, 1924.


*Millay, Kathleen. AGAINST THE WALL. (n; II). New York: Macauley, 1929.

Miller, Arthur. A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE. (d; III). New York: Viking, 1955.

Milton, Ernest. TO KISS THE CROCODILE. (o; III). New York: Harper, 1928.

Mishima, Yukio. CONFESSIONS OF A MASK. (a; IV). Norfolk, Conn.: New Directions, 1958.

**Mitchison, Naomi. THE CORN KING AND THE SPRING QUEEN. (n; III). New York: Harcourt-Brace, 1931.

Mitchison, Naomi. KRYPTEIA, O LUCKY THESSALY, and TAKE BACK YOUR BAY WREATH. (ss in "Black Sparta: Greek Stories"; IV). New York: Harcourt-Brace, 1928. Reprint: "Take Back Your Bay Wreath" only in Cory's "Twenty-One Variations on a Theme."

Mitford, Nancy. LOVE IN A COLD CLIMATE. (n;III) New York: Random, 1949. Reprint: British Penguin 984.

Moore, Pamela. CHOCOLATES FOR BREAKFAST. (n; III). New York: Rinehart, 1956. Reprint: Bantam A1630.

Moravia, Alberto. AGOSTINO. (sa, in “Two Adolescents": III). New

York: Farrar-Straus, 1950. Reprints: Signet 960 and 1372. **Moravia, Alberto. THE CONFORMIST. (n; III). New York: FarrarStraus, 1952. Reprint: Signet 1071.

Moretti, 'Ugo. Rogue

Moretti, Ugo. ROGUE WIND. (n; II). New York: Prentice-Hall, 1953. Reprint: Popular 585.

*Morgan, Claire (pseudonym for Highsmith, Patricia, which see). THE PRICE OF SALT. (n;IV). New York: Coward-McCann, 1952. Reprint: Bantam 1148 and A1831.

*Moss, Geoffrey. THAT OTHER LOVE. (n; IV). Garden City: Doubleday, 1930.

Motley, Willard. KNOCK ON ANY DOOR. (n; II). New York: AppletonCentury, 1947. Reprints: Signet 802 and 1576.

Murdoch, Iris. THE BELL. (n; IV). New York: Viking, 1958. Murphy, Dennis. THE SERGEANT. (n; IV). New York: Viking, 1958. Musil, Robert. YOUNG TORLESS. (n; III). New York: Pantheon, 1955. Reprint: New York: The Noonday Press, 1958. *Musset, Alfred de. GAMIANI..(n; IV) n.p. -n.d.

*Neff, Wanda Fraiken. WE SING DIANA. (n; IV). Boston: Houghton, 1928. Nesbit, Malcolm. CHARIOT OF FLESH. (n; III). Paris: Olympia, 1955. Nijinsky, Romola. NIJINSKY. (biography). New York: Simon and Schuster, 1934.

Niles, Blair. STRANGE BROTHER. (1; ÏV). New York: Liveright, 1931; Harris, 1949. Reprint: Avon 493:

Nimier, Roger. THE BLUE HUSSAR. (n; II). New York; Messner, 1953. Reprint: Signet 1273.

*Nin, Anais. LADDERS TO FIRE. (n; II). New York: Dutton, 1924. O'Brien, Eugene. HE SWUNG AND HE MISSED. (¤; III). New York: Reynal and Hitchcock, 1937. Reprint: Avon 508.

O'Brien, Eugene. ONE WAY TICKET. (n; III). Garden City: Doubleday, 1940. Reprint: Pennart P50.

O'Hara, John. FROM THE TERRACE. (n; II). New York; Random, 1958.



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